SDG 6 | Clean Water and Sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

The numbers

 related courses were offered in the 2019–20 academic year

CUHK Initiatives


Water Conservation

CUHK is both the largest and greenest university in Hong Kong, with over 60% of the campus covered in vegetation. Irrigation is a significant challenge, which the University is determined to fully overcome. Water is used for irrigation, cleaning, washing, showering, cooking and the swimming pool. CUHK completed a water treatment plant in 2012, which enables Weiyuan Lake (Lake Ad Excellentiam) to supply the University’s water needs beyond irrigation. The lake can supply up to 1,100 cubic metres of water each day (after treatment) for campus irrigation and cleaning, and the cooling system.

Complementing the University’s sustainable campus development, CUHK Jockey Club Postgraduate Halls 2 & 3 embedded water conservation measures in their building design. The features include rainwater and grey water harvest systems, and twin tanks that provide an uninterrupted fresh and flush water supply to building users during maintenance.


Clean Access to Drinking Water

CUHK students, staff and caterers have been working together to go ‘plastic-free’ and build a sustainable and green campus. Multiple Go Green Water Stations were installed in 2020 to provide free drinking water to encourage ‘Bring Your Own’ behaviour and promote a ‘Plastic-free Campus’ to reduce waste at source.


Gender Equality



Affordable and Clean Energy