SDG 16| Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

CUHK is committed to building a fair, diverse, and inclusive university community where all individuals are respected and given equal opportunities. We also strive to promote peace, justice, and strong institutions beyond Hong Kong through our educational outreach efforts. By sharing our expertise and resources, we aim to create a more just and equitable society locally and globally.


52 related courses were offered in the 2022–23 academic year.


CUHK upholds principles of free speech and academic freedom. University members are granted complete freedom to engage in academic discussions on any topic. All discussions and expressions of views should be carried out peacefully, rationally, respectfully, and legally. Individuals must take full responsibility for their words and deeds.

CUHK remains steadfast in promoting and maintaining an environment free from discrimination and sexual harassment for all staff and students. The University has established a Committee against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment and formulated a Policy Against Sexual Harassment and Procedures for Handling Discrimination Complaints. The committee initiated an online training module for all employees to ensure that they are equipped with a thorough understanding of their roles and responsibilities in preventing and addressing incidents of discrimination and sexual harassment.

Enhancing campus diversity and inclusion

In February 2022, the Diversity and Inclusion Office conducted the CUHK Diversity & Inclusion Survey. This survey, which targeted all full-time faculty, staff, and students, was designed to gather information on their learning and working experiences and identify areas for improvement towards creating a more diverse and inclusive community. The survey results were generally positive, with the majority of students and employees reporting that they had never experienced any kind of unfair treatment at the University. Additionally, around 90% of respondents agreed that the University respected and accepted people of different genders and were willing to interact with people from diverse backgrounds. These findings provide a strong foundation for the University to continue building an inclusive environment for all.

Supporting legal development in the Greater Bay Area

The CUHK LAW GBA Forum, introduced by the Faculty of Law, supports the development of a legal framework for promoting peace, justice, and effective institutions in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). The Forum offers a seminar series for legal professionals and academics to exchange ideas on the GBA’s legal aspects and conduct research on GBA-related legal topics. The Faculty of Law collaborates with other law schools to train GBA lawyers, enhancing their legal knowledge and skills to support the development of effective institutions in the GBA.


Life on Land

SDG 15


Partnerships for the Goals

SDG 17