SDG 17| Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

The 2030 Agenda is universal and calls for action by all countries to ensure that no one is left behind. It is only with strong commitment to global partnership and cooperation that the SDGs can be accomplished. To this end, CUHK holds such partnerships in high regard. We are eager to build ties with universities worldwide, NGOs, and governments to strengthen means of implementation and revitalize collaboration in sustainable development.


16 related courses were offered in the 2022–23 academic year.

Collaboration for climate research and action

CUHK joined forces with global universities to combat the threat of climate change by becoming a member of the International Universities Climate Alliance (IUCA) . The University works closely with IUCA in developing a framework for assessing and modelling effects on climate-sensitive health. This will enable decision-makers to improve their understanding of the potential impact of climate change on health, facilitating their policymaking on climate readiness, adaptation, and mitigation.

CUHK became a founding university of the Nature Positive Universities Alliance in December 2022. During the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the University of Oxford jointly announced the Alliance as part of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. More than 110 universities from over 45 countries, including CUHK, have signed an official pledge and started evaluating their environmental impact, taking tailored action to restore ecosystems, biodiversity and achieve sustainable development. We are committed to tracking and reducing our ecological footprint in our efforts to combat climate change and protect the environment.

Collaboration in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship

Digital technologies have led to a profound transformation of human societies around the world. To seize new opportunities brought by this new technological revolution, CUHK and Zhejiang University renewed a Memorandum of Understanding on the student exchange programme and signed a framework agreement for the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong-Zhejiang University Joint Research Center for Digital Economy in their second partnership steering committee meeting. The centre serves as a hub to foster the growth of the digital economy with multidisciplinary advances and ground-breaking innovations. Taking digital economy as the core driver for development and the practice of digital transformation in China as the research context, the centre investigates the evolving trend and theoretical frontier of digital economy to achieve results with a global impact.

CUHK and Foshan Shunde Office of the Leading Group for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Shunde GBA Office), Shunde Foundation for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SDIEF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in January 2022, establishing the Greater Bay Area (GBA) Innovation Cooperation Centre located in ‘He Innovative Space’ in Shunde District. The new collaboration seeks to foster a sustainable environment for innovation and entrepreneurship in Shunde and Hong Kong, diversifying economic development for aspiring entrepreneurs in the GBA.

CUHK’s subsidiary company, CUHK Innovation Ltd and the China Prosperity Capital GP Fund have signed a five-year Memorandum of Understanding to support CUHK’s spin-off companies as they commercialize their ground-breaking research and development achievements. Under the MoU, CUHK Innovation Ltd will present research achievements originating from CUHK for matching investment to its investor partners. Following the ‘Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint’ announced by the Hong Kong government recently, the collaboration aims to nurture talents and foster more CUHK technology-oriented start-ups to make positive contributions to the development of the Greater Bay Area.

Education for SDGs in the wider community

The Hong Kong chapter of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network hosted its first international conference in October 2023. This Global Conference on Sustainable Development brought together different stakeholders, including academics, philanthropists, civil society institutions, the government and the private sector for an exchange on the challenges and opportunities and the way forward to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The two-day conference involved over 1,900 participants from around the world, both in-person and online.


Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

SDG 16


No Poverty